When Immigration & Customs Enforcement ("ICE") or the Immigration Court set a bond for a detained alien, the person paying the bond, or "obligor," must bring the amount of money set to an ICE Detention and Removal Office. In Boston, that would be located on the 17th floor of the John F. Kennedy Federal Building in Government Center. Address changed; Boston DRO is now located in Burlington, MA.
For ICE to accept payment, the obligor needs the following:
- Photo ID: Driver's License, Passport or other official picture ID. If not a US Citizen, bring Green Card or Employment Authorization Document.
- Verification of Social Security Number: Social Security Card or Social Security Form SSA-2458
- Bank check or money order, payable to "Immigration and Customs Enforcement." Personal checks or cash are not accepted.
- Information about Alien being bonded: Name, Alien number, and address and phone number of place where Alien will live upon release.
Additional pointer: in Boston, payment can be made between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM.